How to Get Fit with Your Pet: Fun Exercises for Dogs and Owner

How to Get Fit with Your Pet: Fun Exercises for Dogs and Owner

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As Spring approaches, it is time to get excited for some good weather! It has been a cold and long winter. The first few months of the year are a great time to set some goals and intentions. Maybe, like many of us, you are looking to be your healthiest self in 2025. 

January and February are always months filled with false promises, short-term gym memberships, and fad exercises and diets. We all know what it feels like to put too much pressure on yourself and not follow through. 

So, as this year continues on, consider what it would be like to commit to your well-being with your furry friend! Not only will having a partner in crime help you stay accountable and bond, but it will also give you both the chance to be your best selves!

First Things First: Setting a Goal 
When it comes to setting an intention for a healthier and better you, it is important to have a goal in mind. How much time a week do you want to dedicate productive movement? Is there something in particular you are working towards? 

Maybe you are familiar with the term “SMART goal". This is a great way to ensure you are being reasonable. There is nothing worse than setting a goal and feeling like a flop when you realize it ain’t gonna happen! So, set yourself up for success by making timely goals you are capable of. 

Goal Ideas
I will walk my dog in 45 minute increments three times a week 
My dog and I will work up to running 7 miles by the end of the year 
My furry friend and I will complete a pooch-friendly 5K this summer 
I will walk my dog every day, twice a day for at least 15 minutes
I will train my dog to complete our local obstacle course by the end of the summer  

Activity Ideas 
There is nothing wrong with ole’ reliable: walking or running with your pup. Make sure you aren’t pushing you or your furry friend too much with intense terrains or long sessions/distances without properly working up to it. There are different guides out there to base your routine on if you aren’t sure where to start. 

Let’s say you are looking to spice up traditional exercise with your furry friend. In between your spurts of travel, consider stopping for lunges, pushups, and burpees. Help stimulate your pet’s brain by training them to stay and lay down during your activity. This is a great way for you to take a moment to train your pet and raise your heart rate. 

Or, maybe you want to take a moment to work on different tricks and training in the middle of a walk. This will help tire your pup and keep them mentally fresh! Not to mention, you will get the added benefit of a cooler, better behaved pet. 

A Fresh Way to Do Fetch 
Like intermixing activity into your walk or run, consider doing so during fetch! Maybe you make it a challenge to strengthen your throwing arm – then, while your pup is off fetching, see how many pushups, sit ups, or burpees you can get in before their return! 

Hitting the Water
Swimming is a great, low-impact aerobic exercise to help strengthen our hearts. This is a great alternative to traditional running and walking for humans and dogs alike that struggle with impact on their body. Now, this may not be for all pets as not all dogs are natural born-swimmers. If you have water nearby, though, consider trying it out!

Obstacle Courses 
Doggie obstacle courses are becoming more and more common in popular cities, big dog parks, and even some apartment complexes! Maybe it is time for you and your dog to take things to the next level – this is best for advanced puppers and a dedicated pet parent and is sure to strengthen your bond! 

Dog Yoga
Odds are you’ve heard of one of the many unique yoga activities – did someone say goat yoga? But have you heard of dog yoga?! There are opportunities to do yoga with puppies up for adoption or even yoga with your own furry friend. I personally love watching videos online of a yogi who trained her dog to replicate her yoga pose in his own way. 

Taking Rest, Too
Maybe you and your pup need to lean into some shared “savasana” – don’t forget it is important for both of you to take necessary rest and relaxation! This is crucial for your mind and your body to heal and develop, no matter what stage of life you and your pet are in. 

So, as the sun comes out and the snowy clouds fade, maybe take the time to try something new with your four-legged friend. It is never the wrong time to commit to your health and wellbeing. Maybe this time, though, you don’t leave your pup at home. 

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