Sustainability – this little word packs a punch. Sustainability is an ever-popular focus in the 21st century. When reflecting upon being a more sustainable individual, it is good to assess your consumption: purchases, food, fuel. But, what about your furry friend?
Sustainability is more than a trend: it can be a way of life! By making subtle changes to our habits, we can individually affect positive change. It doesn’t have to be rocket science! Here are some small ways you and your pet can leave the planet better than you found it.
First Thing’s First: Adopting Your Furry Friend
Believe it or not, adopting a new pet friend from a shelter has a positive impact. Breeding tends to have a higher carbon footprint due to the need for resources, facilities, and increased carbon dioxide emissions.
Adopting reduces the population of furry friends in shelters without increasing the demand for unethical and unsustainable breeding practices. Adoption is a great way to support local efforts to get pets off the streets and provide loving, permanent homes.
You are probably familiar with the age-old saying “reduce, reuse, and recycle.” “Reduce” is the biggest impact – the less purchased firsthand, the less waste is produced! Less junk in = less junk out. Be weary of trendy new products that are “all that.” Will you be throwing that out in a year’s time?
A Small Change with a Big Impact
If you are a dog lover looking to make a tiny change that can create lasting impact, consider purchasing biodegradable poop bags! Now, a lot of brands may call themselves “green,” but sometimes there are hidden harmful ingredients.
Take a look at what makes up your poop bags – if there are ingredients you can’t pronounce, odds are those aren’t helping the planet. Stick to natural ingredients. A great way to reduce your environmental footprint is to contribute less waste. Different forms of waste, especially plastic, can take a long time and a huge toll on the environment.
Reuse and Recycle: DIY
If you are looking to make a new purchase, whether for your furry friend or yourself, take a moment to reflect if there is a more sustainable way. If it is something that can be “upcycled,” consider shopping around in sustainable ways, like thrift stores or Facebook marketplace!
Maybe you consider making something to address your pet’s needs. It is amazing what DIY projects are out there, if you’re feeling creative! Take a quick search to see if there are options out there.
When buying firsthand is the only option, do your research! As mentioned, there are plenty of companies out there with false claims. Make sure you are doing your own digging through the internet and by assessing product descriptions, namely ingredients.
The Benefits of Shopping Small
If you are looking to make some purchases, consider shopping at a small business. Whether local or an online shop, supporting small businesses can help reduce waste, even if the products are comparable to those of big corporations.
Why? This comes back to supply and demand. When we turn to quick purchases with inhumane and unsustainable practices, we reinforce the need for unethical and not environmentally friendly production. Even if you make a purchase on a website like Etsy, you aren’t reinforcing the need for cheap, outsourced products that might be made overseas.
Plus, how awesome is it to support someone’s dreams?! Small businesses take a ton of work! Oftentimes, small businesses carry more sustainable, better quality goods by choice, knowing they are an alternative to the alternative “fast” consumption.
If you have a locally owned pet store nearby, consider checking it out vs the name brand chains you are used to. You might be surprised by its uniqueness, quality, and camaraderie. It is awesome to support your own community!
It is Impossible To Be Perfect
If you are an environmentally conscious person like me, it can feel stressful to reflect upon your sustainability. We cannot individually fix the problems at hand, but we can reduce the impact we have! If we all take the chance to make tweaks to our habits, we can have a happier and healthier planet for all.