Having A Pet: Cat vs. Dog

Having A Pet: Cat vs. Dog

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Having A Pet: Cat vs. Dog 

Are you looking to add a pet family member to your household? Have you wondered about the difference between having a cat vs having a dog? Let’s explore some considerations for the difference between these two common pets. 

According to Pet Ownership Statistics 2024, pet ownership has increased over the past three decades and especially in the last few years. It is estimated that 66% of U.S. households have a pet, dogs being the most popular. About half (49.4%) have a dog and more than a third (35.3%) have a cat (Average Spending per Pet Household). 

Considerations for Adopting a Pet

Before you dive into pet parenthood – whether dog, cat, or otherwise – it is important to assess your lifestyle, financials, and personality. Responsible pet parenting is crucial – pets can have unforeseen costs, take up lots of time, and impact your routine.

Make sure you take the time to reflect on your capacity to be a good pet parent! The difference between cats and dogs as pets can be a divisive topic. Usually people feel strongly one way or the other – and those who don’t maybe love both animals. Let’s take a moment to discuss the difference between pet ownership for cats vs dogs. 


Cats and dogs can fit differently into your lifestyle. Dogs tend to take up more time while cats are known to be more self sufficient. Each pet’s need for playtime can vary, but dogs tend to need much more exercise than cats. It is important you carve out time daily to spend with your pet either way, though! 

A cat likely spends more time sleeping than dogs – averaging 15 hours of sleep a day, some cats can even sleep 20 hours. Dogs on the other hand average 12 hours a day of sleep. Even though they sleep less, it is estimated that half of dogs’ waking hours are spent lounging (How Much Sleep Do Dogs and Cats Need daily?). 

While dogs may spend their waking hours chillin’, cats’ wake windows are likely spent rambunctiously. Felines sleep for such long periods of time to conserve their energy in order to hunt. Now, of course, your house cat isn’t likely hunting in a traditional sense. But, it is essential for cats to get out their hunter instinct energy through plenty of stimulation. 

When You Travel 

Whether you have a cat or a dog, traveling can bring an added element of stress. Cats will likely need less care when you are gone – usually just needing some food and ideally some playtime. Dogs on the other hand need more human time, someone to let them out and provide exercise, and maybe more feeding sessions than cats. 

How you choose to take care of your pet during travel is up to you. Just make sure to have a plan in place to ensure your furry friend gets the attention they need and deserve! Some options may include having someone come to your home or taking your pet elsewhere, whether to someone’s house or a boarding facility. 

Financial Commitment

Although having a pet can be such a joy, it is a financial commitment. Average Spending per Pet Household Estimated to Be $1,733 in 2024, Led by Vet Costs states that pet owners are projected to spend $1,248 on dogs and $836 on cats in 2024. 

The largest difference between cat and dog expenses is vet bills – with the average vet service annual cost being $386.93 for dogs vs $217.36 for cats. Dog owners spend the highest percentage on their pups at the vet while cat owners spend the highest percentage on products – an estimated $326.05 a year!

I found the aforementioned article very interesting. If pet ownership is on the horizon for you or if you are curious about the financial commitments of pets, I highly recommend checking it out. Interestingly enough, vet services rose 7.1% from 2023 to 2024 while the price of pet food fell marginally at 0.1%. 

Of course, there is a different type of pet parent I have yet to mention – those who have a cat and dog together! Check out our previous blog on Having a Cat and a Dog Together

In Closing… 

Pet parenting can be such a joy! It is important as a dog-lover to understand the world of cat parents and vice versa. Maybe, like me, you have been a cat and dog owner at different times. Different stages of life may allow for different levels of pet parenting. Interested in more of those considerations? Check out Different Pets for Different Lifestyles!

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