Car Safety and Your Pets

Car Safety and Your Pets

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Are you getting ready for a summer roadtrip with your furry friend? Do you like to take your floof to the park? Have you wondered about keeping your pet safe in the car? 

It is awesome to take your furry friend with you – whether to a friend’s, on a trip, or to the park. It is crucial, though, to keep them safe! Whether for fun and leisure or transportation to and from the vet, let’s make sure you know how to keep your furry babies safe. 

Starting with the Basics

No matter if it is a cat or dog, it is important that your pet is restrained in the vehicle. The best way to do this is to use their crate. Make sure the crate is secure with a seatbelt or another form of restriction. The best place is the back seat. 

According to WebMD’s Car Travel with Pets, pet seat belts “have not been proven to protect animals during a car crash.” You want to limit movement as much as possible for your furry friend. For a tinier pet carrier, consider wrapping the crate in towels and then seatbelted (Cat transporting tips). 

For the Pups 

If you are traveling with your doggo, make sure you provide them plenty of opportunity to stop and stretch their legs. This may help prevent anxiety that could be brought on by trips in the car. It is a good idea to feed them three to four hours in advance. If there is a longer stint, make sure you stop to feed them – and no eating in a moving vehicle! (Car Travel with Pets

For the Felines 

Did you know there are calming herbs for cats, just like us humans? Cat transporting tips mentions that it might be a good idea to have these in your vehicle for your kitty. For instance, chamomile – which can provide calming effects for us humans – may help. 

Ashwagandha, similarly, can reduce levels of stress-related hormones like cortisol. Check out this fun calming herb for cats – hops: “Sleepiness is a common side effect of drinking a beer or two. This may be, in part, due to the sedative effects of hops” Natural Calming Herbs and Supplements for Cats.

Keeping Your Pet Comfortable 

In addition to keeping your pet safe, it is great to try to keep them comfortable. Furry friends, especially cats, may be particularly sensitive to scents. Try to keep your space as neutral as possible. 

Driving as safely as possible may help reduce movement, which will keep your floof calmer. Reduce excess noise. It is also important to make sure that you keep that music at a reasonable level, maybe even off. You could even check out calming tunes for cats or dogs to play! 

And, of course, make sure the vehicle is at a comfortable temperature. Remember – never leave your pet in the car! This is a common danger for pets: “When it's 72 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the temperature inside your car can heat up to 116 degrees within an hour” (Travel safely with your pet).

Check out What to do if you see a dog in a parked car to have a plan on hand in the event you find yourself in this position. Keep in mind, rolling down the windows has not been shown to be effective in reducing the temperature inside a vehicle. 

If you find your pet struggles with transportation, it might be worthwhile to speak to your vet about medication. Of course, it is probably best to reduce their vehicle travel as much as possible if you can. But, for unavoidable trips, there may be worthwhile treatments to aid your trip. 

Buckle Up and Ride Off Into the Sunset! 

Just like us humans, the best way to keep our fur babies safe is to safely restrain them. This is the most important thing to keep in mind! Pets may love adventures. Being in tune with their comfort may go a long way in making them feel safe – mentally, emotionally, and physically! 

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